- Registered Community Design
is a design registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).
Throughout the European Union a new design with an individual character can be protected as a registered Community design, valid in all 28 EU Member States, renewable every 5 years up to a maximum of 25 years.
- Related Rights (or neighbouring rights)
are rights related to the protection of works of authorship under copyright, but are not granted to the author. The purpose of related rights is to protect the legal interests of certain persons and legal entities who contribute to making works available to the public. They include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and those of broadcasters in their radio and television programs.
- Resale royalty right / droit de suite
is the right of the author of an original work of graphic or plastic art, or of his/her heirs, to an economic interest in successive sales of the work concerned. This concerns sales on the secondary art market, such as auctions. This right exists in all EU Member States, as it has been harmonised by Directive 2001/84/EC.
- Research Executive Agency (REA)
is a funding body created by the European Commission to foster excellence in research and innovation. It manages a large share of Horizon 2020 projects, namely Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (Excellent Science) and Space Research (Industrial Leadership).
- Research for SME associations
was a specific action under FP7 to strengthen the innovation capacity of the SME associations. It aimed at developing technical solutions to problems common to a large number of SMEs in specific industrial sectors or segments of the value chain through research that could not be addressed under Research for SMEs.
- Research for SMEs
was a specific action of FP7 to strengthen the innovation capacity of the SME participants. It supported small groups of innovative SMEs in solving technological problems and acquiring technological know-how.
- Research Organisation
means, in the context of FP7, a legal entity established as a non-profit organisation which carries out research or technological development as one of its main objectives.
- Research Performing Organisations (RPOs)
non-profit organisations that are not part of a university. They complement the roles of universities and industries, often times playing an important economic role regionally. RPOs can have very different legal forms: state agency, foundation, NGO or even an incorporated company or part of a ministry. Their size varies, they can include various numbers of institutes, can be public, private or a mixture of both; their common characteristic is that they are non-profit organisations and perform research in one or in a multitude of domains.
- Research, Technology and Development Performers (RTD Performers)
in the context of FP7, are legal entities able to carry out research and technological development on behalf of and for the benefit of SMEs. They are often universities, research organisations and industrial companies.
- Research-acquiring SMEs
are those who need to outsource their research to a university or research centre, which will perform the research on their behalf.
- Research-performing SMEs
are those who have the ability to conduct research in-house.
- Results
in the context of Horizon 2020, means any tangible or intangible output of the project, such as data, knowledge or information, that is generated in the project, whatever its form or nature, whether or not it can be protected, as well as any rights attached to it, including intellectual property rights.
- Royalty
is a payment made to a right holder for the use of the intellectual property which it owns, such as a patent, trade mark, or copyrighted work. Royalties can be freely negotiated but usually constitute a percentage of the revenues obtained by using the owner’s right. They are the most used remuneration method in the context of licence agreements.
refers to research and technological development and demonstration activities. They are aimed at advancing significantly in the established state-of-the-art.
- Rules for Participation (FP7)
refers to the regulation (EC) No. 1906/2006 of 18th December 2006, laying down the rules for participation of undertakings, research centres and universities in actions under FP7. Among the detailed rules for participation in the FP7 project, it sets forth provisions on foreground, dissemination, use and access rights.
- Rules for Participation (Horizon 2020)
refers to Regulation (EC) No. 1290/2013 establishing the rules for participation and dissemination in Horizon 2020 projects. This is one of the main documents establishing the rules on intellectual property matters that participants must follow in the projects.