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Horizon IP Scan

Helping SMEs manage and valorise Intellectual Property (IP) in R&I collaborations.

What is Horizon IP Scan all about?

Like any other asset, IP needs to be managed and used strategically to ensure smooth cooperation and maximise the impact of project results. Hence, IP management plays an essential part in the entire lifecycle of research and innovation projects funded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe Framework Programme.

However, SMEs often struggle when it comes to assessing and protecting the IP they bring into these collaborations. Plus, the task to develop a strategy for managing and exploiting new IP, jointly generated with other partners, may seem daunting.

This is where Horizon IP Scan comes into play: It is an IP support service specifically addressing SMEs that cooperate in Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe projects with one or several entities, including other SMEs. The overall objective is to help SMEs address central IP issues that may arise at different stages of a collaborative research project.

Table about the planification of a project


How is the service provided in detail?

Managed by a central coordination team, Horizon IP Scan builds on a network of local IP experts covering all EU Member States, and Horizon 2020/Europe associated countries. 

Following a first come, first serve approach, it may either be provided to a single SME or, preferably, a group of SMEs involved in a collaborative research project. The successful SME(s) applicant(s) will be matched individually with the corresponding local IP expert(s). Usually, the language applied will be that of the applicant(s) or English.

Horizon IP Scan entails three major steps:

  1. a preparation phase including a pre-interview;
  2. the main interview, which is done in an in-person or online meeting;
  3. and the provision of a report and recommendations.

The service will be delivered either by a private IP professional (patent or IP attorney) or otherwise qualified IP experts, such as specifically trained staff from a national IP office or an innovation agency.

Horizon IP Scan timeline steps


What’s in it for you?

The Horizon IP Scan team will help you:

  • increase your IP knowledge
  • get a clear picture of your existing IP 
  • identify potential ways to protect your intangible assets
  • develop a joint IP management and exploitation strategy with your partners
  • prevent potential IP conflicts
  • boost your Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results
  • leverage your company’s innovation capacity

In a nutshell: Your Horizon endeavour won’t succeed without managing and valorising IP – we’ll help you do it!

Who can apply?

Our Guide for Applicants covers all you need to know about submitting a service request and gives you further insights into the actual  provision of the service. 

Applications are now closed

  • 1 FEBRUARY 2023
Horizon IP Scan - Guide for Applicants
  • 12 JANUARY 2024
Horizon IP Scan - Helping SMEs manage and valorise intellectual property in R&I collaborations

These short sessions of 20 min are intended to give all interested parties an insight into the background of this innovation support initiative of the EC.


The Horizon IP Scan service is operated by EURICE - European Research & Project Office GmbH (Germany) representing the Horizon IP Scan central coordination team, which is supported by an EU-wide network of IP experts.

Please get in touch with us for further information, or if you have any questions regarding the service.

Email: contactathorizon-ipscan [dot] eu (contact[at]horizon-ipscan[dot]eu)