This infographic showcases key concepts of intellectual property commercialisation, with a particular focus on spin-offs and joint ventures.
What is protectable as a Community Plant Variety Right (CPVR)? With this IP Chart, we answer the most important questions related to the CPVR.
*This is an updated version of the IP Chart originally developed and published in July 2021.
This infographic highlights key concepts of “openness” in the EU’s current Framework Programme for Research & Innovation “Horizon Europe”. Understanding the nuances of openness, intellectual property protection, and commercial use is vital for navigating this complex terrain.
Impact licensing, as an innovative licensing practice aimed at enhancing the reuse of intellectual assets for the benefit of society, is a beneficial strategic instrument to bring technologies into societal markets in a scalable and sustainable way.
Once registered, a trademark needs to be proactively managed and monitored to defend it and deal with potential infringement or unauthorised use. This infographic looks at key activities and recommendations related to brand monitoring, helping you protect your brand and reputation.

With Horizon Europe, the European Commission has stepped up its efforts to monitor and follow up on sound exploitation strategies more systematically and rigorously.

The valuation of intellectual property rights is part of the good management of intellectual property within an organisation.

An IP assignment is a transfer of ownership of an intellectual property right, such as a patent, trade mark or copyright, from one party (the assignor) to another party (the assignee).

While the world wide web serves as a gateway for SMEs, it also provides an ideal platform for infringers to sell counterfeit products and commit fraud.

Proficient IP management is one of the major facilitators (in fact, prerequisites) of enhanced knowledge valorisation in the context of collaborative R&I projects.

Trademarks are among the best-known IP rights. They help your costumers to distinguish you and your products from your competitors.

Copyright is the term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary, artistic and scientific works.

What is protectable as a design? Where and how do I file a Registered Community Design?

Why should I file a European Patent? What can be protected by a patent? How do I perform novelty searches?

What is protectable as an EU trademark? Who can file an EU trademark application?

How to apply for a trademark under the Madrid System? What are the fees for filing an international trademark application with the WIPO?

Where can I obtain international design protection? Who can file the application? What happens after filing the application?

What is a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application? Who can file a PCT application? When should I file a PCT application?

When setting up a website, you should be aware of a couple of potential pitfalls and issues related to IP.

In the face of increasing global competition and IP issues such as counterfeiting or knock-offs an effective IP strategy is vital for the welfare and protection of these fashion businesses.

Knowing what you can do with online content (and what you should avoid) will help you stay away from potential intellectual property (IP) infringement.

Unlike other creative industries, video games draw on the worlds of both technology and creativity. In this industry, intellectual property (IP) rights are associated both with the tools used to develop games and the content included in the game.

Renewable energies are increasingly displacing fossil fuels in the power sector.

Taking your business international may hold great promises: you could open up new markets, potentially boost your sales, or get access to novel technologies and talents.

It takes a variety of different ingredients to prepare a good licence agreement.