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  • News blog

On March 4, 2020, China’s National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA) instructed its local branches to strengthen measures against intellectual property (IP) agents who applied in bad faith for trademarks relating to COVID-19. Some agents have been fined with a maximum penalty of RMB 100,00

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  • News article

On Thursday, the European Parliament has adopted with an overwhelming majority a report on the European Commission's "EU Intellectual Property Action Plan". This presents an important step forward in addressing weaknesses in the current intellectual property system.

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  • News article

A joint study by EPO, ESPI and ESA reveals the growth of patent filings (2001-2020) for quantum technologies, which are used in space technologies for earth observation, navigation and communication.

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  • News article

Worldwide IPR-filing activity increased in 2020, defying the current global economic challenges and showcasing vibrant entrepreneurship and the rise of new goods and services in response to the pandemic. Find out more about India´s contribution to this growth.

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  • News article

Superman has bested numerous villains - from Lex Luthor to Doomsday - over the years, but it took him three tries before he could prevail over an obscure maker of chocolate wafers.

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  • News article

In October 2019, the Indonesian President highlighted in his inauguration speech the need to revise several laws that hinder foreign investments and job creation. The process of drafting a reform bill called the Omnibus Bill on job creation started immediately thereafter.

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  • News article

Claims in the form of "new/known compound X or pharmaceutical composition containing the compound X is used for treating disease A" are currently not accepted by the Vietnam IP Office. The Vietnam IP Office's basis for such refusal is found in Paragraphs 23.6.d and 25.5.d.(i) of Circular 01/2007/TT-

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  • News article

The Kingmaker, a documentary about Imelda Marcos and her involvement with her husband’s political and personal life, has been found to be illegally streaming on several websites before being taken down. With the 2022 Philippine national elections on the horizon, Marcos opponents have started usin...

  • 1 min read