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Trade Marks


A trade mark is a sign used to distinguish the goods and services of one company from those of others in the market. A trade mark will grant you the exclusive right to use that particular sign in relation to certain categories of goods and services. Trade marks can consist of words, names, phrases, symbols, designs, images, distinctive features or a combination of these elements that can be represented graphically.

It has to be noted that the list of signs or elements that can be considered as trade marks in Europe (for example 3D shapes, colours, scents, holographic images) may vary from country to country. A trade mark can make a substantial difference with regard to a company’s market success. A good trade mark is a distinctive and yet memorable one.

Resources about trade marks

European IP Helpdesk

  • General publications
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

Trademarks are among the best-known IP rights. They help your costumers to distinguish you and your products from your competitors.

  • General publications
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

Intellectual property (IP) management is a key element in improving the competitiveness of any company.

China IP Helpdesk 

  • General publications
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

A strong trade mark can be instrumental in winning new customers when establishing a brand in China. Because you invest time and money into building the reputation of your company, it would be very damaging to your business if someone else began using your name to sell their own products or services

  • General publications
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

Explore our guide 'How to internationally protect your trademark through the Madrid system?'. This guide provides an overview of the steps to take to protect your trademark across South-East Asia, China, India and Latin America in a cost effective way using the Madrid system.

India IP Helpdesk

  • Factsheet
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

This Factsheet will walk you through the Indian trade mark system - what signs can be protected, how to register and enforce them, which are the costs associated, etc...

Latin America IP Helpdesk

  • General publications
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

Trade marks in Latin America in a nutshell: An administrative shortlist per country

South East Asia IP Helpdesk

  • General publications
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency

Explore our comprehensive 'Guide to trademark protection in South-East Asia': covering trademark basics, registration processes, and enforcement mechanisms across South-East Asia. It's the key to safeguarding your assets effectively in the region.


Frequently Asked Questions

General information about trade marks

Trade mark application in different industries

Frequently Asked Questions

Check below our most frequently asked question for each regional IP Helpdesk.

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In this post, we look at the General Court's decision in case T-1187/23 on what genuine use of a trade mark means, and whether use of the trade mark in relation to a finished project satisfies the requirement when the trade mark has been registered for the raw products.