Fact Sheet: IP in the Field of Renewable Energies
Renewable energy is energy from sources that do not diminish or that can be replenished. These are also referred to as “green” or “clean” energies, because the energy production does not generate greenhouse emissions or air pollutants.
Renewable energies are increasingly displacing fossil fuels in the power sector. As this industry continues to evolve, we now have a growing number of innovative and cheaper ways to capture and retain wind or solar energy. Hence, the importance of renewable energies constantly increases. In fact, in 2017, 17.5% of energy consumed in the EU stemmed from renewable energies with the target being to reach 20% by 2020.
This fact sheet intends to gives an overview (from a European perspective) of central IP questions relevant for this dynamic energy sector. Moreover, it will shine a light on aspects related to Competition Law and the issue of State Aid. And finally, key EU funding initiatives and opportunities in this field will be highlighted.

Infographic: IP & Renewable Energies at a Glance
Take a look at the central intellectual property needs that a business in one of the six most common clean technology fields will usually face.
- Wind: uses the motion of wind
- Solar: uses sunlight
- Hydropower: uses moving water
- Geothermal: uses the internal heat of the earth
- Biomass: uses living or recently living organism and waste
- Tidal: uses the rise and fall of the ties

Case Study: Vtree Energy: Building a solar future through intellectual property
Innovative products provide competitive advantage for their owners as long as proper intellectual property (IP) protection measures are taken. In order to ensure a product’s market success, and combat potential infringers successfully, it is necessary to take all characteristics of the product into account, and consider IP in a broader aspect.
This Case Study from Romania presents a real-life example on the significance of IP, when a company’s business strategy is based on new and innovative products or services.