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News (2042)
RSSA brief guide addressing common questions and concerns of the IP litigation and enforcement landscape in the Philippines.
Thailand’s Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) has introduced ‘fast-track’ procedures to significantly expedite trademark renewals and new...
New Trade Secretary appointed in crucial times.

Every business starts with an idea. That idea is an essential intellectual property asset that can drive business development, economic prosperity...
Following a review of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program for the 1st period of 2019-2021, the Vietnam Intellectual Property Office...
Patent disputes settled, towards a better technological cooperation.

There are many benefits to living in an increasingly globalised and digitised world, such as greater connectivity, increased global trade and better..

Some news in the field of antipiracy and anticounterfeiting
The International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) has released a paper claiming that a proposed COVID-19 IP waiver...
The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) decided that a geographical indication application for "Prosecco" originating from Italy would...

Would you like to know more on the approval of the Madrid Protocol in Chile?
While the timeline for the ongoing “soft opening” of Myanmar’s new Intellectual Property Department (IPD) lacks clarity, the IPD has maintained...

About the concept of bad faith applied to trade mark registrations
India is the second-largest telecommunication market and telecom services provider in the world. Find more about the latest incentive schemes in India
The EUIPO Observatory's fourth call for proposals aiming to raise awareness on the benefits of protecting IP rights is closing on June 8.
Vietnam is a thriving economy with a GDP of USD 340.821 billion – the fourth biggest in South-East Asia (after Indonesia, Thailand, and the Phili...
Le Vietnam est une économie florissante avec un PIB de 340,821 milliards USD - le pays se place en quatrième position en Asie du Sud-Est...

Two interesting decisions in the field of trade marks

Woud you like to know more about the changes in patent and utility models term in Brazil?
The time is now to register for #EDD21 and follow the latest developments of our EU-India cooperation!