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The new Delhi High Court dedicated IP Division (IPD) will hear matters including: IP-related lawsuits, revocation of applications, cancellation of applications, appeals from the Indian IP Office, and all other proceedings that, in the past, would have been managed by the IPAB

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A major overhaul of Singapore copyright law is in the works. A new Copyright Bill that is expected to be enacted in November this year will introduce a number of new rights and exceptions that are not found in the current Copyright Act. Our previous article on this topic focused on...

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  • News article

Negotiations for the first digital trade agreement between an Asian country and a European country kicked off on June 28, 2021 when Singapore’s minister of trade relations S. Iswaran and United Kingdom’s (UK) trade secretary Liz Truss spoke via videoconference to begin talks...

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In June 2021, Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) issued a new draft decree amending several provisions of Decree No. 99/2013/ND-CP of the government dated August 29, 2013, on the sanctioning of administrative violations in industrial property (the “Draft Decree”).

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  • News article

The pandemic has accelerated the pace of digitization as business leaders look for solutions to recover lost ground and plan for the road ahead. As the world races along this digitization path, the role of intellectual property in the global economy is becoming more significant.

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Find more about EPO's key operational results and detailed reports on specific areas such as quality, environmental sustainability, social issues, engagement, IT, data protection and communication.

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