The University of Alicante (coordinator) provides expertise in IPRs, has a strong track record of successful projects in Latin America (coordinator of MERCOSUR and current LA IP SME Helpdesk), excellent know-how in project management, dissemination, impact monitoring and it also provides IT support to projects. UA is the founder and leader of key initiatives in the field of IPRs on an European and international level, providing IPR-related services to SMEs, among others. It has a renowned IPR Masters Programme (Magister Lvcentinvs) and a wide network of contacts, including active cooperation agreements and projects with key actors such as EPO, OHIM, WIPO, EEN, as well as relevant networks in the field of IP such as EIPIN.
As the major Pan-European Business Organisation, Eurochambres represents over 20 million businesses in Europe (more than 93 % of which are SMEs) through 45 members, 43 national associations of chambers of commerce and industry (CCIs) and 2 transnational chamber organisations, as well as a network of 1700 regional and local chambers. Eurochambres strives to improve the general conditions under which businesses operate and to facilitate the access to markets within and beyond the EU. It seeks to increase and diversify the European Union’s economic presence in Latin America.
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Founded in 2000, EURICE provides comprehensive support services for the planning, initiation, and implementation of large international collaborative R&I projects. Today, EURICE is one of Germany’s largest project management and technology consultancy offices for R&I projects, with a dedicated team of 50 staff members. According to the most recent H2020 monitoring report, EURICE belongs to the Top 3 of SMEs in Europe regarding the number of signed “H2020” agreements – with large experiences in contractual, financial and reporting procedures. EURICE also helps to develop and implement coherent IP protection and management strategies and provides researchers and SMEs with networking, training and capacity building activities.
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