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Latin America - Blog

The Latin America IP SME Helpdesk team proudly welcomes you to its blog, in which you will find updated information concerning Intellectual Property Rights in Latin America, as well as other interesting information about SMEs, Internationalization, R&D or Innovation.

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Latin America - Blog (66)

Showing results 1 to 20
  • News blog

Currently, the long-awaited Draft Law on the Protection of Personal Data (the “Draft Law”) is with the National Congress of Argentina pending approval. If approved, it will be the first major legislative reform in data protection in Argentina since 2000.

  • 8 min read
  • News blog

What would Christmas be without Glühwein, Santa Claus, and the Latin America IP SME Helpdesk IP Yearly reviews? Check now the 2023rd edition!

  • 5 min read
  • News blog

Non-traditional trade marks are not uniformly protected in Latin America and EU SMEs need to be aware of the different legal requirements and challenges for registering them in the region before entering those markets.   

  • 8 min read
  • News blog

As it was previously mentioned in Part I of this series on the protection of your IP on e-commerce platforms in Latin America, we will now look deeper into the specific issues of these platforms, with a quick guide on how to ensure that IP rights are best protected when doing business online in Lati

  • 5 min read
  • News blog

Given the rise in market share occupied by e-commerce, and the relevance of IP infringement taking place on these platforms, the major players in the sector have all been forced to adapt and take measures to try and curtail the phenomena.

  • 8 min read
  • News blog

NDAs are legally enforceable in Brazil and widely used for general business purposes whenever a party needs to disclose sensitive or confidential information to its counterpart before the performance of a business project, commercial transaction, collaboration, due diligence, or hiring employees.

  • 9 min read
  • News blog

If you are an EU SME willing to protect your brand in Chile, and you would like to know how to register your trade mark, how to enforce your brand in Chile, stay with us, since today’s blog is about the main changes in Chile for the trade mark system.

  • 10 min read
  • News blog

The entry into force of the dispositions of Ley Corta No. 21,355 imply the incorporation of unprecedented figures in the Chilean Industrial Property regulation. In this article, we will examine thoroughly what the changes in patents are.

  • 7 min read