IP Guide: Successful Valorisation of Knowledge and Research Results in Horizon Europe
Valorising research results and scientific knowledge is key to delivering new solutions that benefit society and economy. Proficient intellectual property (IP) management is one of the major facilitators (in fact, prerequisites) of enhanced knowledge valorisation, which ensures additional value is created from projects funded under the EU’s current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe”. This guide helps clarify different concepts and terminology by briefly introducing key pillars of the EU’ knowledge valorisation policy before illustrating the differences between communication, dissemination and exploitation activities as well as the areas they have in common. Intended as an introduction, it aims to provide orientation for developing your project’s outreach and exploitation strategy.
IP Guide: Your Guide to Intellectual Property Management in Horizon Europe
This guide aims to spotlight critical aspects and novelties related to Intellectual Property (IP) management in the context of collaborative research and innovation projects funded under the European Union’s current Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe” (2021-2027). It does not claim to be exhaustive. The IP rules of Horizon Europe are built to a large extent on the regulations established by the previous Framework Programme “Horizon 2020”. Consequently, there are only a few novelties and strategic shifts concerning IP management and its role in the exploitation and valorisation of research results. Therefore, this guide complements the existing guide “Your Guide to IP in Horizon 2020”.
Article: The EU Valorisation Policy - Putting Horizon Europe into Perspective
Science is expected to be a driving force in the transition towards a greener and fairer society. For research and innovation to play a crucial role in this transition, excellent research results and data need to be made available quickly and put into practical use across Europe. Therefore, we need the EU valorisation policy to increase the impact of the EU’s investment in research and innovation, involving all players and ensuring that data, research results and innovations are transformed into sustainable products, processes and services that bring economic value and benefit society.
First-line IP Support Service: Horizon IP Scan
Horizon IP Scan is a tailored, free-of-charge, first-line IP support service provided by the European Commission specifically designed to help European start-ups and other SMEs involved in EU-funded collaborative research projects to efficiently manage and valorise IP in collaborative R&I efforts. Building on a vast network of experienced, local IP experts across Europe, the Horizon IP Scan team performs an individual, professional, jargon-free assessment of your intangible assets in order to show you how you can protect your existing IP when starting on a research and innovation endeavour with multiple partners and assist you in developing a shared strategy with your partners to manage and exploit new IP jointly generated in your project.
Article: Leveraging Innovation Through Collaboration - IP Challenges And Opportunities For SMEs In The Context Of EU-Funded Collaborative Research Projects
European Research & Innovation (R&I) funding programmes, in particular Horizon Europe, offer great opportunities for start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to leverage external knowledge through collaboration. There is a multitude of reasons why small businesses participate in EU funding programmes. Besides seeking grants to finance Research & Development personnel, SMEs consider collaborative R&I projects an ideal “Open Innovation” (OI) environment to jointly develop new technologies, products, or services.