Linking, framing, spidering: There are a number of online activities that may raise IP issues. Watch this brief animated clip and learn more about important IP aspects to consider when navigating the world wide web.

When looking at our rapidly evolving digital world, questions related to copyright and how to protect content online have been at the forefront of discussions for long. Just because something is online does not mean it is copyright-free.
Adopted in 2019, the European Commission’s Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market intends to make EU copyright rules fit for the digital age introducing a number of updates concerning the regulatory framework that encourages creative work and innovation while trying to strike a balance between interests related to free information sharing and copyright protection online.
Take a look at our fact sheet summarising key aspects of the Directive with a specific chapter on the online use of copyright-protected content.

When setting up a website, you should be aware of a couple of potential pitfalls and issues related to IP. This infographic sums up the most important aspects to consider when going online with your webpage.