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Open Science, as an approach to scientific processes focused on quick and transparent knowledge and data sharing, has long been a policy priority of the European Commission and has been widely promoted. By making results and data generated in research and innovation projects accessible to all societal actors, other researchers, innovators and the public can find and reuse these for their specific needs. In this way, further research is encouraged, novel solutions can be found, and complex challenges can be tackled. This Bulletin issue seeks to gather different expert perspectives and viewpoints on Open Science practices while spotlighting related intellectual property issues and questions.

In today's dynamic landscape, the term "open" resonates across various domains, from science and research to innovation and technology. “Open” can be found in various settings, concepts, policies and practices such as Open Science, Open Research, Open Access, Open Innovation, Open Source, Open Standards, or Open Data. This infographic highlights key concepts of “openness” in the EU’s current Framework Programme for Research & Innovation “Horizon Europe”. Understanding the nuances of openness, intellectual property protection, and commercial use is vital for navigating this complex terrain.

This webinar recording raises awareness and fosters confidence in the application of intellectual property (IP) within the context of Open Science, while highlighting that there is no inherent conflict between the two. It delves into the concept of "openness" in its diverse interpretations and demonstrates how the IP system aligns with the core principles of Open Science. Additionally, it provides examples showcasing how the sharing of IP, data, and publications can be as open as possible while maintaining the option for closure when necessary.