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News (2046)
RSSTrademarks that consist of a combination of a generic word and a top-level domain name, such as “.com,” are usually regarded as not registrable...
It is strongly recommended that entities which are considering entering the Thai cannabis market file applications to protect their marks and patents.
Vietnamese cuisine has a growing reputation internationally, and a visit to Vietnam will quickly reveal that food plays a very important role
ASEAN launched two new initiatives - the ASPEC Acceleration for Industry 4.0 Infrastructure and Manufacturing (ASPEC AIM) and (PCT-ASPEC).
Recently the Vietnam IP Office (VNIPO) has required that all documents (such as POA, agreements, declaration etc.) must be signed...
A new report called “Tackling Illicit Trade in ASEAN Advocacy Paper, 2020”
IP enforcement in key global markets is increasingly complex. What's the legal theory? What's the reality in practice?
The adoption of financial technology, or fintech, solutions has grown rapidly across Southeast Asia in recent years.
The Draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the 2005 Intellectual Property Law (“Draft Law”)...
On August 28, 2020, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) announced that the “soft-opening period” to refile trademarks under the country’s new Trademark Act
A decade ago, intellectual property lawsuits were rarely handled by Vietnamese courts.

The EUIPO action ‘SME Fund’ supports applications for trademarks and designs by SMEs with a grant of 50% of the costs.
After almost a decade of negotiations, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement was signed on 15 November 2020
Ten years ago, the retail calendar was simple. Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the US, dominated the worldwide rankings with offline sales.
The National Office of Intellectual Property of Vietnam (the NOIP or IP Vietnam) issued Notice No. 3822/TB-SHTT dated November 23, 2020
Thailand clarifies approach to examination

The very first unified regulation on personal data protection in Vietnam is expected to follow GDPR standards.

E-commerce trade is booming in South East Asia. The pandemic has accelerated online shopping.

On May 26, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance issued Circular No. 45/2020/TT-BTC on the reduction of fees...

In December Brand Finance published its Nation Brands 2020 ranking, which measures countries' national branding.