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  • News article
  • 17 October 2022
  • 1 min read

New IP Special on Cybersecurity Is Now Available

European IP Helpdesk “IP Specials” are thematic packages consisting of different media formats such as animated clips, interviews, articles, or infographics that take a closer look at a specific intellectual property (IP) topic.

The new issue includes an updated fact sheet that discusses domain name ownership and registration and spotlights the links between domain name and trademark. It also explains the problem of cybersquatting and the available dispute resolution mechanisms that SMEs may use to protect their businesses online. Jointly created by the China IP SME Helpdesk and European IP Helpdesk, a new IP Guide on “Cybercrimes and Trade Secret Protection in the EU & China” also takes place in this special. It focuses on cybersecurity and trade secret protection in the European Union (EU) and China. Finally, an infographic that sums up key IP aspects related to domain name ownership and registration.

The new Cybersecurity edition is available here. You can also take a look at other IP Specials on different topics.  



Publication date
17 October 2022