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Industrial Designs


An industrial design is an original creation of an ornamental nature, which, when incorporated in or applied to a product, lends a special appearance to it. These characteristics may result from its shape, lines, outline, configuration, colour, texture or material.

Designs can be protected by different means: through a registration system, through a system of non-registration and through copyright. Registration can be obtained at three different levels: national, regional and international. The best route usually depends on the markets in which the applicant intends to operate.

Resources about industrial designs

European IP Helpdesk

22 JANUARY 2021
European IP Helpdesk - Guide to IP in Europe

China IP Helpdesk

1 OCTOBER 2020
China IP SME Helpdesk - Understanding and Using China’s Design Patent

Latin America IP Helpdesk

10 FEBRUARY 2021
Latin America IP SME Helpdesk - Industrial Designs in Latin America in a Nutshell
Latin America IP SME Helpdesk - IP in the Fashion Industry
Latin America IP SME Helpdesk - IPR as a tool for internationalisation: Designs

South-East Asia IP Helpdesk

1 OCTOBER 2020
South-East Asia IP SME Helpdesk - Guide on Industrial Designs Protection in South-East Asia


Frequently Asked Questions

General information about Industrial Designs

Industrial designs protection in different industries

Frequently Asked Questions

Check below our most frequently asked question for each regional IP Helpdesk.

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Brand owners, celebrities, designers and other well-known figures, usually prefer to use their names as their trade mark. This helps the public easily recognise and differentiate their products from competitors. As easy as it sounds to register your name as a trade mark, registering such marks in...

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The title of a video game is likely one of the most valuable assets that a game developer holds. Registering a game title as a trademark secures exclusive rights over that title and prevents third parties from using it for games or related goods or services of their own.