Fact Sheet: Intellectual Property Valuation
Intellectual property (IP) assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights or trade secrets are increasingly the core of many organisations and transactions. Licensing and assignments of corresponding IP rights are common, and the use of these types of assets as loan security has grown. Hence the growing importance of the valuation of intangibles: trading an asset requires knowing its value. Several methodologies are commonly used on the market to value these assets. This fact sheet will explain the different methods, and examples of possible use scenarios of these methodologies are given.
Infographic: IP Valuation
The valuation of intellectual property rights is part of the good management of intellectual property within an organisation. Indeed, knowing the economic value and importance of the intellectual property rights you create and develop is key to the strategic decisions to be taken on the assets, but also facilitates transactions and the commercialisation of your intellectual property rights.
WIPO Event Recording: IP Finance Dialogue - Expanding Horizons on IP Finance and Valuation
In our competitive and dynamic global economy, the value of intellectual property (IP) cannot be overstated. IP assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets are increasingly becoming the lifeblood of businesses across industries. Yet, harnessing the full financial potential of these intangible assets remains a complex challenge. To put a spotlight on this important issue, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) organised the IP Finance Dialogue: Expanding Horizons on IP Finance and Valuation on 21 November 2023.