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The aim of the project is to support the internationalisation of SMEs, encourage BSO collaboration and facilitate cross sectoral innovation, and also to launch and establish the Wine Innovation Cluster Alliance - WICA in the wine value chain.



The EPAWI project brings together 4 clusters - Inno'vinINNOVIADVID  and AgriFood FVG  with the technical support of Vinidea, representing a major part of the wine ecosystems in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy. The aim of the project is to support the internationalisation of SMEs, encourage BSO collaboration and facilitate cross sectoral innovation, and also to launch and establish the Wine Innovation Cluster Alliance - WICA. Bringing together all initiatives that provide solutions and improvements in the wine value chain, WICA aims to face the challenges presented by grape and wine producers through cross-sectoral innovation, auxiliary companies’ involvement, international development and Business Support Organisation collaboration.

Organisation type
  • Projects
  • IP commercialisation
  • IP for business
  • IP internationalisation