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public sectorUCOST

Uttarakhand Council for Science & Technology


Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology is an autonomous body of the Government of Uttarakhand, Department of Information & Science Technology. UCOST started its activities from last quarter of year 2005, However it was registered under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860 in November 2002.

The apex body of the Council is the General Body which is chaired by the Hon'ble Chief Secretary.This body comprises of the Principal Secretary & Secretaries from various departments, Vice Chancellors, eminent scientists, representatives from Industries and NGO's. The day to day business is held by the Director General. The Secretary of the department is the chairman of its executive committee. The Council plays a catalytic role for the promotion of S&T in the state and supplement /complement the developmental programmes of the state in different sectors. The overall incharge of the Council is the Director General.

Geographical areas of activities & services
  • India
Organisation type
  • Governmental organisations & agencies
  • Business support
  • Market information
  • SME instrument
  • Standards
  • Technology
  • Technology transfer


Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology

Uttarakhand State Council for Science and Technology
dgatucost [dot] in
Postal address
