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  • non-profit organisation

Unioncamere Piemonte


Unioncamere Piemonte is the association of the Chambers of Commerce of the region, institutional voices of a system of over 400 thousand enterprises: it represents the gateway to the regional business system, the national and European network of Chambers of Commerce and associated companies.

Geographical areas of activities & services
  • Italy
Organisation type
  • Chambers of Commerce & other industry associations
  • Market information

Promote and implement initiatives to promote the development and enhancement of the economy and productive sectors of the regional territory, ensuring support and coordination to the activities of the associated chambers.
These objectives will be pursued, working on two complementary fronts:

  • on the institutional front, providing joint services in support of the Chamber and Entrepreneurship system of the region, including in collaboration with other bodies and institutions, coordinating the use of national and Community programmes, plans and funds;
  • on the promotional front, representing the Chamber system and the regional economic fabric in Italy and abroad: participating in programme agreements, entering into conventions, promoting the establishment and participation in bodies, bodies and companies operating in relation to the institutional purposes of the Chambers of Commerce, caring for and representing their general interests; carrying out studies and research on economic information and training to companies, to guide and support the growth of the economic actors of the territory.


Unioncamere Piemonte serves and represents the interests of the Regional Chamber System and pursues the Chambers’common goals.

It promotes the joint exercise of functions, services and expertise amongst the associated Chambers and it ensures the relations with Regione Piemonte . 

To this end, it carries out networking activities at the service of the associated Chambers of commerce, sets forth regional Chamber system’s policies and identifies future strategies and development directions. Unioncamere Piemonte also supports and promotes the general interests of the economic system and fosters initiatives that favour the development and internationalization of the region’s economy as well as the competitiveness of its enterprises. The beneficiaries are mainly regional Universities, R&D centers and companies,  in particular SMEs.

To achieve this goal, Unioncamere Piemonte participates in the main international networks that bring together skills and relations on the local, national and European level. 

Unioncamere is a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network that is the largest European business support and innovation network providing integrated high quality services for the benefit of Smes. 

Through this network Unioncamere Piemonte provides integrated information, business co-operation, innovation and technology transfer services in support of small business and innovative smes.



Unioncamere Piemonte

Unioncamere Piemonte
segreteriaatpie [dot] camcom [dot] it
Phone number