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Tripura State Council for Science & Technology


  • Constituted on advice of the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India on May 31, 1984.

  • Constituent Autonomous Organization of Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Tripura.

  • Entrusted Role of the Organization is to popularize and promote activities in the field of Science & Technology in Tripura.


  • To play role in building up new generation confident and with scientific temper and to nurturing their talent in contribution in Science & Technology.

  • To play role in building up superstition free, scientifically literate society.

  • To play role to ignite the mind of the youth of the State & / or to make them capable for being effective contributor in desired knowledge  based society.

  • To strengthen and facilitate Micro and Macro level planning using Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System (GIS).

  • To play role in ensuing intervention of appropriate Science & Technology to make the State self reliant in food.

  • To play role in building up a movement for S & T based enterprises by the SHGs of the State.

  • To play appropriate role to ensure clean environment and sustainable ecology.

Geographical areas of activities & services
  • India
Organisation type
  • Governmental organisations & agencies
  • Business support
  • IP management
  • Market information
  • Technology
  • Technology transfer


Tripura State Council for Science & Technology

Tripura State Council for Science & Technology
stcouncil [dot] trpatgmail [dot] com
Postal address
