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Matteucci, Gianfranco

Name: Matteucci, Gianfranco

Firm: Partner at Marks & Clerk Singapore LLP

Location: Singapore



Gianfranco Matteucci is a registered Singapore patent agent and has passed the European and Italian Patent Attorney qualifying examinations. He is also a European and Italian Trade mark Attorney. Gianfranco specialises in a broad range of technologies, including biotechnology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, plant varieties, biomedical devices, nanotechnology and composite materials. Having entered the patent profession in 1992, Gianfranco has gained a wealth of knowledge in Intellectual Property Law from his vast global experience in Europe, Japan and now Singapore. Gianfranco is a member of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center’s List of Arbitrators, as well as List of Experts. He is also a member of the Association of Singapore Patent Agents (ASPA) and the Asia Patent Attorneys Association (APAA). Gianfranco travels extensively throughout ASEAN and has an intimate knowledge of IP issues the region. He often gives talks on several aspects of Intellectual Property in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand among others.






Trade mark