VIETNAM | IPR Case study 63: Italian stakeholder – request for supporting Italian delegates at two events in Vietnam |
INDONESIA and SINGAPORE | TRADE MARK Case Study 62: Dutch social enterprise – support before signing two zero waste projects in Indonesia and Singapore |
VIETNAM and SINGAPORE | IPR Case study 61: Spanish manufacturer of furniture – protection of designs in Vietnam and Singapore via a local IPR protection strategy |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case study 60: French entrepreneur – new wine-related project in Vietnam and IPR protection strategy |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case study 59 : Spanish entrepreneur – architecture project in Vietnam and IPR protection strategy |
THE PHILIPPINES | TRADE MARK Case Study 58 – Cancellation of a bad-faith trade mark registration in the Philippines |
INDONESIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 57 - The cancellation of trade marks in Indonesia on the basis of a bad-faith registration |
INDONESIA | DESIGN Case Study 56 - Design registrations cancelled in Indonesia due to lack of novelty |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 55 - Website-blocking measures to combat online trade mark infringement in Thailand |
VIETNAM | DOMAIN NAME Case Study 54 - Infringement of BMW’s domain name in Vietnam |
VIETNAM | PATENTS Case Study 53 - Patent infringement lawsuits against two Vietnamese pesticide producers |
VIETNAM | PATENTS Case Study 52 - Infringement of a pharmaceutical patent in Vietnam |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case Study 51 - This trade mark-based domain name dispute was heard by a Vietnamese court. What do foreign businesses need to know? |
SINGAPORE | GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS Case study 50 - Geographical Indications in Singapore, a case study |
VIETNAM | GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS Case Study 49: Geographical Indication (GI) of Cognac in Vietnam |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 48 - Bad faith of franchisee imitating franchisor's trade mark in Thailand |
CAMBODIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 47 - Arguments against descriptiveness rejection of trade mark filling in Cambodia |
LAOS | TRADE MARK Case Study 46 - Seizure of counterfeit goods in Laos |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 45 - Non-use of registered trade mark in Thailand: using a survey to determine non-use |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 44 - Appealing against a descriptiveness refusal in trade mark filling in Thailand |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 43 - The Thai Supreme Court’s interpretation on descriptive trade marks |
SINGAPORE | COPYRIGHT Case Study 42 - Copyright enforcement actions against illegal downloading in Singapore |
THE PHILIPPINES | TRADE MARK Case Study 41 - Misplaced interpretation of due process requirement in the Philippines |
INDONESIA | PATENTS Case Study 40 - Potential patent invalidation under the new Patent Law in Indonesia |
INDONESIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 39 - Trade mark bad-faith registration in Indonesia |
CAMBODIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 38 - Trade mark owner and Exclusive distributor jointly enforcing their rights in Cambodia |
SINGAPORE | TRADE MARK Case Study 37 - Enforcing IPR against Parallel Importation into Singapore |
MALAYSIA | PATENTS Case Study 36 - High court decision on patented rights in Malaysia |
SINGAPORE | DESIGN Case Study 35 - Design registration in Automotive industry in Singapore |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case study 34 - Customs seizures of goods suspected of IPR infringement in Vietnam |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case study 33 - IP infringement by using confusingly similar marks in Vietnam |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA, THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 32 - Trade mark registration in Thailand and South-East Asia in Automotive Industry |
VIETNAM | PATENTS Case study 31 - Patent Prosecution Strategy for manufacturing in Vietnam |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case study 30 - Non-use cancellation actions in Thailand |
VIETNAM | TRADE SECRET Case Study 29 - Contribution of know-how in Vietnam |
THAILAND | TRADE SECRET Case Study 28 - Trade Secrets protection in Thailand |
MALAYSIA | LICENSE AGREEMENT Case Study 27 - Relevant clauses for license agreements |
VIETNAM | DESIGN Case Study 26 - (included in the 2016 update of the Guide ‘South-East Asia IPR SME Helpdesk Guide: Protecting your IP at Trade Fairs in South-East Asia’) |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA, SINGAPORE | TRADE MARK, PATENTS, LICENSE AGREEMENT Case Study 25 - ME Case Study (included in the 2016 update of the Guide ‘Top 20 Considerations when entering a new market’) |
MYANMAR | DESIGN Case Study 24 - Action against packaging design copies in Myanmar |
SINGAPORE | TRADE MARK Case Study 23 - Revoking a conflicting “earlier trade mark” in Singapore |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case Study 22 – Defeating non-use claim with modified trade mark in Vietnam |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 21 - Prior registration of a trade mark in Southeast Asia |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 20 - Trade mark dispute with local partner in Southeast Asia |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 19 - Discovery of counterfeit versions of a European product in Southeast Asia |
INDONESIA | COPYRIGHT, DESIGN Case Study 18 - French jewellery manufacturer in Indonesia - register design or copyright? |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA | DOMAIN NAME Case Study 17 - Registering your domain name in potential future markets in Southeast Asia |
SOUTH-EAST ASIA | PATENTS Case Study 16 – Patent dispute in Southeast Asia |
MALAYSIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 15 – Trade mark infringement / ’passing off’ case in Malaysia |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 14 – Thailand Trade Mark Practices |
INDONESIA | TRADE MARK Case Study 13 - Trade Mark Squatters in Indonesia |
THE PHILIPPINES | TRADE MARK Case Study 12 – Unjust Appropriation of Famous Trade Mark by Local Firm in the Philippines |
THAILAND | TRADE MARK Case Study 11 – Thailand: Suing Trade Mark Board for Unlawful Decision |
THE PHILIPPINES | TRADE MARK Case Study 10 – The Importance of Registering your Trade Mark in the Philippines |
VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case Study 09 – Similarity of Goods & Services: Trade Mark Registration in Vietnam |
SINGAPORE | TRADE MARK Case Study 08 – Trade Mark Opposition Appeal in Singapore |
THAILAND, VIETNAM | TRADE MARK Case Study 07 - Franchising in Southeast Asia from Europe (Thailand) |
SINGAPORE | TRADE MARK Case Study 06 - On-going Partner and Employee Due Diligence (Singapore) |
INDONESIA | COPYRIGHT Case Study 05 – Importance of specifying copyright ownership in employment contracts (Indonesia) |
INDONESIA | PATENTS Case Study 04 – Patent ownership dispute in Southeast Asia (Indonesia) |
VIETNAM | PATENTS Case Study 03 – Generic drug manufacturer in Vietnam infringes process patent of British pharmaceutical company |
SINGAPORE | TRADE SECRET Case Study 02 - Theft of trade secrets and tracking electronic data in Singapore |
INDONESIA | TRADE SECRET Case Study 01 – Inexperience of Indonesian courts with trade secret cases |