Could you briefly describe your core expertise and field of activity within the Enterprise Europe Network? What are key services you offer to your clients?
Erciyes Teknopark is a science park with 260+ companies and the technology base of the region. Our main business is supporting the companies. We are mentoring small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for their capacity improvement. We developed many tools for this goal, including Technology Transfer Office (TTO), clustering services, seed fund possibilities, Business Angel Network and international programs for entrepreneurship candidates.
What does it mean to you to be a European IP Helpdesk Ambassador? And what do you like most about it?
It means a premium network to me. Because all the ambassadors share their expertise on an unlimited platform. We can discuss and learn from each other. European IP Helpdesk has good relations with other bodies and can arrange good training sessions for ambassadors. Being part of this community is a great asset since it advances my knowledge.
How would you describe the internal interaction and cooperation with your Enterprise Europe Network colleagues?
My colleagues are mostly working related to tangible assets of an SME. They are trying to improve the capability of an SME within the network. Once they realise an SME needs support for intellectual property (IP), they inform me and we start working with the SME. The interaction also teaches the IP issues to my colleagues, so that they increase their knowledge in IP.
In your opinion, what are current “hot” topics and questions related to Intellectual Property (IP) in your region/country?
The IP issue in my country is still hot and hard to work on. Our country published a new IP law, and we are still trying to explain the changes in the system to the SMEs and academy. Most people are not aware of the importance of IP in our country, so we mostly spend our time on disseminating knowledge and training the people.
What are major challenges SMEs face with regard to IP? And what kind of support is needed, you think?
SMEs do not even know the basic issues of IP. They do not know how IP can contribute to their company or product. We explain these issues more easily with short animation videos and IP charts. We use these tools, and if the library of these tools can be expanded, we can benefit more for our business.

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