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LIU Guizeng (Wayne)

Firm: Yuanhe Partners

Email: liuguizengatyuanhepartners [dot] com (liuguizeng[at]yuanhepartners[dot]com)


Liu is Adjunct Professor of the School of Juris Master, China University of Political Science and Law; Mentor of Graduate and Guest Professor, the School of Law, Beijing Foreign Studies University; Expert of the Intellectual Property Guiding Case Research Base (Beijing) Expert Advisory Committee of the Supreme People's Court of PRC; Arbitrator of Wuhan Arbitration Committee; Co-Chair, INTA Bulletin Law & Practice Asia-Pacific Subcommittee; Council of INTA Global Advisory Council, Asia-Pacific;

Liu has published dozens of articles on the subject of intellectual property in both Chinese and international publications, and is a frequent speaker at industrial and professional conference both at home and abroad.

Liu is Member of LES China, AIPPI China and INTA.