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CASUCCI Giovanni F.

Firm: EY Legal

Email: giovanni [dot] casucciatit [dot] ey [dot] com (giovanni[dot]casucci[at]it[dot]ey[dot]com)  


Giovanni F. Casucci is a partner at EY Studio Legale Tributario IP Department. Prior to joining EY Legal, he worked as a partner and Head of Intellectual Property and Technology group of Dentons Europe studio legale tributario. IP litigator in Italy since 1992. From 1999 to 2005 director of a Master program in IP Management at the Politecnico of Milano University. Since 2008, director of the Master program of ICE (Italian Trade Commission) on IP and China (“Ideacina”) and member of the faculty of the MBA programs of MIP Politecnico of Milano.

Current Coordinator of the Commissions “Design” and “Trade Fairs” at CNAC (Italian National Authority for Anti Counterfeiting)

He was active in the training seminars in China within the IPR2 program. In particular, in September 2006 (within the EU-China Trade Project) lecturer at the National Judge College of Beijing (one-week seminar), 2010 Chinese roadshow seminar about EXPO IP enforcement, and Mock trial at the EXPO 2010 in Shanghai.

The main contributor to the IPR2 Study on “Protecting IPR at EU Trade fairs and Exhibitions”, 2008.

Author of several publications on IP Rights and active in several training courses on IP.