- Publication date
- 29 April 2021
- Author
- European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
- Publication type
- IP Guide
With more and more European SMEs becoming aware of the importance of intellectual property (IP) and the necessity of IP registration in China, their needs of IP services are increasingly growing. As stated in China’s IP laws, foreigners who don’t have business address in China need to hire local Chinese agencies to file for registration of IP rights and attend to other trade mark or patent related matters such as prosecution, invalidation, renewal etc. Therefore, there is a vast market for IP services involving foreign businesses which in turn is attracting more and more local IP businesses to join this lucrative market. However, the quality and level of services offered by practitioners differ significantly. This guide provides EU SMEs with tips on how to recognise IP scams, where to find the correct information on IP services and what actions can be taken to avoid or mitigate scams.