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European IP Helpdesk Bulletin / September 2020: Trademark


ISSN 2599-9427, Catalogue number EA-AG-20-001-EN-N
Publication date
1 September 2020 (Last updated on: 4 November 2020)
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Publication type
  • Bulletin


2020 has thrown the world for a loop: COVID-19, its implications and global consequences have been grabbing our attention like little else. While the coronavirus pandemic has caused tremendous loss and pain for people worldwide affecting our lives in ways never imagined possible, it has also had an impact on intellectual property offices around the globe. Over the past couple of months, many thousands of trademark applications related to COVID-19 and the coronavirus pandemic have been filed around the world. Against this backdrop, the present Bulletin will dive into the at first glance seemingly intricate waters of trademark application and management.


  • 1 SEPTEMBER 2020
European IP Helpdesk Bulletin No. 3 / September 2020: Trademark