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European IP Helpdesk Bulletin / June 2019: IP Licensing


ISSN 2599-9427, Catalogue number EA-AG-19-001-EN-N
Publication date
1 June 2019
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Publication type
  • Bulletin


Different kinds of intellectual property – whether trademarks, patents, copyright, know-how or design – can be used and exploited in various settings and multiple ways. However, licensing is undoubtedly one of the most common ones when it comes to turning IP into profit and transferring knowledge between different parties – be it from a research organisation to a company or from one business entity to another. The present Bulletin issue sheds light on different aspects of IP licensing and provides first-hand insights into real-life licensing practice. Alongside a brief introduction to licensing and a number of expert articles written by acknowledged professionals in the field, we also put a spotlight on sample cases and best practice examples from the world of technology transfer.


  • 1 JUNE 2019
European IP Helpdesk Bulletin No.1 / June 2019: IP Licensing