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Domain names and Latin America


Publication date
20 October 2023
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Publication type
  • Factsheet


Simply stated, domain names are IP addresses translated into unique alphanumeric addresses. Both the domain name and the IP address behind it are unique. This particular identity allows internet users to find your business website. For example, if you would like to visit our website, it would be much easier for you to type ‘’ than our IP address ‘’. They can be divided into different categories: - Top-level domains (TLD): - global top-level domains (gTLD): .com, .info, .int, .net, .edu, .gov., .mil and .org. - country code top-level domains (ccTLD): ar, .br, .cl, .py, and .uy. - Second or third level domains:

According to the World Intellectual Property Office, domain name registrations across ccTLD serve as important local business identifiers. Their number continues to increase over time. These ccTLDs are independently administered by national registration authorities.


  • 20 OCTOBER 2023
Domain names and Latin America