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Attending Trade Fairs


Publication date
8 April 2021
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Publication type
  • Case study


A Spanish SME produces agriculture and farming equipment including tractors. In the coming weeks, the most important agro-industry trade fair in Asia would take place in Beijing. Companies from all over the world would attend the fair to showcase their products, including the new harvesting and planting machinery. This would be a must-attend trade fair for the Spanish SME. The Spanish SME had invested millions in developing a new model of tractor, which they expected to gain a lot of attention from potential buyers. The tractor not only had a new design, but most importantly, substantial improvements had been made to the engine allowing for lower fuel consumption. Thus, the new tractor was capable of increasing the working power at a lower cost. The SME is highly aware of the importance of IP and the company’s legal department had protected most of the tractor’s intellectual property rights, except the engine, for which they had not yet filed an invention patent application.


  • 8 APRIL 2021
Case study - Attending Trade Fairs