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Global Cosmetic Cluster Europe

The European cosmetics industry is represented by a European cosmetics clusters, Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe based on a common strategy to boost the internationalization of SMEs in the cosmetic industry.

Organisation type
  • Cluster associations

The European cosmetics industry is represented by a European cosmetics clusters, Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe based on a common strategy to boost the internationalization of SMEs in the cosmetic industry. Focused on priorities such as supporting the competitiveness through globalization, fostering the European cosmetics expertise, and enhancing the European cluster collaboration, the European metacluster provides an accelerator program towards target countries (India, Mexico, South Korea, UAE, USA). The acceleration program has been set up in the framework of a ESCP4i project co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union.

6 project partners are involved: Cosmetic Valley (France), AEBB (Portugal), Beauty Cluster (Spain), IKMIB - Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters Association (Turkey), Polo della Cosmesi (Italy) and Transylvania Lifestyle Cluster (Romania).

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Global Cosmetic Cluster Europe

Global Cosmetic Cluster Europe