- intellectual property
- Tuesday 5 April 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Tuesday 5 April 2022, 15:00 - 16:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
- Website
More and more companies are moving in international environments in which it is essential to consider some aspects of the protection of copyright, trade marks and patents.
By granting exclusive rights on the use of an invention or creation, IP rights give their holders several advantages, which properly exploited can be used to bring highly competitive products to the market, increase market share and revenues.
Nevertheless, holders must be aware that such rights can be geographically limited and, therefore, subject to further protection if they are planning to enter foreign markets.
AHK Chile and the State of Bavaria Office for South America in collaboration with the Latin America IP SME Helpdesk will host a webinar for EU SMEs interested in doing business or entering R&DT collaborative relationships in Chile.
The main issues concerning the protection of Intellectual Property to bear in mind when internationalizing a business will be explained. Special attention will be then given to the idiosyncrasies of IP protection in Chile in comparison to Europe.
What you can expect:
- Services provided by EU initiatives that support SMEs in the region
- Main steps and particularities to protect your trade marks, inventions and creations locally
- Updated information on the registration proceedings
- Various case studies involving EU SMEs experiencing and overcoming issues with IP protection in the region
- Tips to succeed abroad
- Tailor-made assistance to your queries
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to let us know. And if you have any query about IP in Latin America, our experts will provide you with a confidential, free of charge answer within 3 working days. Contact our helpline in the following email: helplinelatinamerica-ipr-helpdesk [dot] eu (helpline[at]latinamerica-ipr-helpdesk[dot]eu).