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IP Helpdesk
  • Training and workshops

European IP Helpdesk Webinar: Introduction to IP and IPR to the S+T+ARTS Community

This webinar will provide you with an introduction to basic concepts and definitions of Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). 

This webinar will provide you with an introduction to basic concepts and definitions of Intellectual Property (IP) and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Additionally, participants are given a first overview of existing practices and processes related to IP management.

  • intellectual property
  • Thursday 29 June 2023, 10:30 - 12:00 (CEST)

Practical information

Thursday 29 June 2023, 10:30 - 12:00 (CEST)
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Number of seats
1000 Participants
Entrance fee
The Webinar is offered free of charge
