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  • Training and workshops

EU - Webinar: Technology Transfer

The goal of this webinar is to introduce participants to key elements and concepts in the domains of knowledge and technology transfer.

Technology transfer is a complex process that involves many non-scientific and non-technological factors, and many different stakeholders. Good or high quality research results are not enough for successful technology transfer; general awareness and willingness both at the level of organisations and individuals, as well as skills and capacity related to specific aspects, such as access to risk finance and intellectual property (IP) management, are also necessary components.

  • intellectual property | technology transfer
  • Thursday 21 September 2023, 10:30 (CEST)
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Thursday 21 September 2023, 10:30 (CEST)
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
Number of seats
1000 Participants
Entrance fee
This Webinar is offered free of charge



General contact

European IP Helpdesk Traning Team

European IP Helpdesk Traning Team