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News article28 February 2024European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency1 min read

Seventh Round of Discussion Regarding FTA Between India and the EU

On 19 February 2024, India and the European Union (EU) started the seventh round of negotiations in New Delhi concerning the free trade agreement (FTA). These discussions also encompassed talks on an investment protection agreement (IPA) and a pact regarding geographical indications (GIs).

In the previous round, discussions primarily revolved around policy areas concerning goods and government procurement offers. The seventh round is anticipated to include services and investment as well. Additionally, during the sixth round, efforts were concentrated on accelerating work on the text presented by both sides. Some headway was achieved on technical matters during this phase.

The proposed trade deal with the EU is one of the most complex FTAs being negotiated by India. While there is interest on both sides to take forward the deal, a breakthrough is unlikely before the general elections in India and European Parliament polls this year.



Publication date
28 February 2024
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency