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  • News article
  • 5 December 2022
  • 1 min read

Paraguay deposits its accession to Vienna Agreement and Nairobi Treaty

On 25 November 2022, WIPO announced that Paraguay had deposited its accession to two Treaties: Vienna Agreement (entry into force: 25 February 2023), and Nairobi Treaty (entry into force: 25 December 2022). 

The Vienna Agreement establishes a classification (the Vienna Classification) for marks that consist of, or contain, figurative elements. 

All States party to the Nairobi Treaty are under the obligation to protect the Olympic symbol – five interlaced rings – against use for commercial purposes (in advertisements, on goods, as a mark, etc.) without the authorization of the International Olympic Committee.

To read more, please refer to WIPO's website: Vienna, Nairobi.


Publication date
5 December 2022