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News article2 November 20211 min read

MSD enters an agreement with the UN to license COVID drug molnupiravir in 105 countries including India

The US pharma company MSD and MPP (Medicines Patent Pool) entered the voluntary licensing agreement that will facilitate the distribution and affordable access to molnupiravir in 105 low and middle-income countries.

Under such agreement, MPP will be able to further sub-license the production of the drug to multiple manufacturers in the signatory countries, thus ensuring a steady supply in the different regions of the world. MPP is a UN-backed organisation that negotiates public-health related licenses with patent holders, in order to sub-license necessary drugs to generic manufacturers under fair and reasonable terms.

In India, MSD has signed a voluntary licensing agreement with eight different providers, allowing a wide coverage for the production of the drug in the country and beyond.




Publication date
2 November 2021