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News article1 December 2023European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency1 min read

Joint Study From DG TAXUD and EUIPO: EU Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

European Commission’s DG Taxation and Customs Union (DG TAXUD) unit and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) have jointly published the third edition of the annual document, "EU enforcement of intellectual property rights: results at the EU border and in the EU internal market, 2022." This document presents the efforts and work carried out by authorities in enforcing intellectual property rights (IPRs) at the border and within the internal market. It includes figures for the detentions of IPR infringing goods in 2022. The data is sourced from customs authorities of the 27 EU Member States through the anti-counterfeit and anti-piracy information system (COPIS) and from enforcement authorities of 24 EU Member States through the IP Enforcement Portal.

The report finds that approximately 86 million fake items were detained in the European Union in 2022 (at the EU external border and in the internal market). The estimated value of fake items detained in the EU amounted to over EUR 2 billion, an increase of approximately 3 % in 2022 compared to 2021.



Publication date
1 December 2023
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency