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  • News article
  • 8 April 2024
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

European Commission Releases Results of the First European Standardisation Panel Survey

The European Commission just published the results of the first European Standardisation Panel Survey, launched in October last year. The survey aimed to identify the industry’s demand for standards, assess how research and innovation framework programmes tackle such needs, and raise awareness of the importance of standardisation. Aiming for a balanced representation of companies of various sizes and technology domains, the survey primarily addressed companies and their business and sector organisations. 

According to the final report, policy initiatives, including regulations and customers’ requirements, particularly for industry and organisations’ own and collaborative research, are the most relevant sources for standard development. Research input is most important for measurement and testing standards, followed by quality and environmental standards. The most significant advantage of research as input for standardisation is free access to scientific content and the ability to keep track of scientific progress.





Publication date
8 April 2024
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency