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  • News article
  • 1 July 2021
  • 1 min read

European Commission launches "Knowledge Valorisation Platform"

The European Commission (EC) has recently launched the  EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform, a digital space that provides an interactive forum to stimulate cooperation across borders and improve the broad uptake of research results in society and the economy.

The platform will enable the sharing of best practice, knowledge and expertise, thereby improving policies and enhancing capacities and skills. This will foster a strong culture of entrepreneurship, inclusive innovation in Europe, and knowledge valorisation turning research results into sustainable solutions with economic value and societal benefits.

As one of the actions under the new European Research Area (ERA) Communication it will co-create the development of the Code of Practice for the smart use of Intellectual Property, in response to requests made by Member States.

Plus, the EC has just launched a consultation to gather feedback and learn about the vision of the European research and innovation actors about the needs and expectations in terms of research-based knowledge valorisation. Have your say!


Publication date
1 July 2021