The National Center of Registries from El Salvador (CNR), and the Registry of Intellectual Property of Guatemala (RPI), have both implemented the Harmonise Database of goods and services (HDB) in TMclass.
TMclass helps you to search for and classify Goods and Services (terms) needed to apply for trade mark protection. You can also translate a list of Goods and Services and verify if those terms appear in the classification databases of the Participating Offices. In a nutshell, its main functions allow users to: search terms, verify list of terms, translate terms, and translate list of terms.
It is the interface for the Harmonised Database of goods and services (HDB) from which users can select terms that have been pre-validated by all the EU IP offices.
To read more (in English),please refer to IP Key Latin America (El Salvador, Guatemala).
- Publication date
- 21 December 2022