The Chilean Senate (upper house) has just ratified the protocol concerning the Madrid Agreement, relative to the International Registration of Trademarks. The system makes it possible to protect a mark in a large number of countries by obtaining an international registration that has effect in each of the designated Contracting Parties.
Once it comes into effect, the system will allow users to choose to use this mechanism and request their registrations outside their borders in a centralized way (now also in Chile), in a single language (Spanish, French or English) and paying a single set of fees. Therefore, it is a simpler, more flexible and cheaper system, which opens a window to 124 countries, which have already joined the Agreement.
Chile becomes the fifth country in Latin America to become a member in Latin America, after Mexico, Brazil, Cuba and Colombia.
Would you like to know more on the approval of the Madrid Protocol in Chile?
To read more please refer to INAPI's website.
The news are also covered in the Magister Lvcentinvs website.
- Publication date
- 31 May 2021