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IP Helpdesk
  • News article
  • 13 December 2022
  • 1 min read

Boosting Knowledge Valorisation: Join the European Union Awareness Campaign in 2023

© Jungwoo Hong/Unsplash

Earlier this month, the EU Council adopted a recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation to increase socioeconomic impact from research and innovation and align policy guidance. This will replace the 2008 Commission Recommendation on the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfers related to universities and public research organisations.

The guiding principles will now cover the entire research and innovation ecosystem and the full range of knowledge generated by EU research and innovation. They also promote entrepreneurial approaches with a focus on using and re-using knowledge to increase impact. Its implementation will rely on stakeholders' engagement and active participation in valorisation activities. The guiding principles will be implemented through the Code of practice on the management of intellectual assets for knowledge valorisation in the new ERA for Research and Innovation and the Code of practice on standardisation for researchers foreseen to be adopted in February 2023.

Given this milestone achievement for the new European Research Area, the European Commission’s Directorate for Research & Innovation is organising an awareness-raising campaign on knowledge valorisation to introduce this new policy and demonstrate how to better translate research and innovation results into benefits for the economy and society. The awareness-raising campaign is envisaged for 18 months starting in spring 2023.

To ensure maximum visibility and outreach, the EC invites stakeholders to contribute to the campaign and participate in the call for the expression of interest recently published on the Knowledge Valorisation Platform. The deadline for those interested in providing input and ideas for the campaign's roll-out is 22 January 2023.

The European IP Helpdesk, alongside other key stakeholders such as the European Patent Office (EPO), European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) or European Committee for Standardisation and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CEN-CENELEC), will support the campaign and continue to promote knowledge valorisation within the European research and innovation landscape. 



Publication date
13 December 2022