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News article11 October 2021European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency1 min read

Andhra University adapts its IP policy to boost technology transfer within the campus

Andhra University is following a new path for intellectual property arising from research done in connection with the university. As the first university in Andhra Pradesh, Andhra University has prepared an ‘Intellectual Property Policy' for on-campus use.

One of the measures foreseen is that the university's Centre for IPR will oversee the documentation process and bear the costs involved in filing IP rights. In addition, the relevant faculties allow a three-year sabbatical for researchers wanting to work on their venture/start-up (academic spin-off).

Another prominent measure in the revamped IP policy is that all the research scholars from applied sciences and engineering branches are asked to apply for IP rights for their research work. IPR filing is now even a mandatory credit for a few branches of engineering.

Once granted, the ownership of the IP rights remains with the university. "The inventor will get 70% of the revenue generated out of licensing activities, while the university will have a 30% share. The university may also accept equity instead of licensing fees from the start-ups and academic spin-offs,” said Prof Purushotham, who is DPIIT-IPR Chair at Andhra University.


Publication date
11 October 2021
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency