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News article7 November 20221 min read

4 new case studies on PVRs and GIs in the Dominican Republic by CarIPI

The CARIFORUM Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Project (CarIPI) has just released 4 new case studies on the registration of Plant Variety Rights and Geographical Indications in the Dominican Republic.

These case tudies are part of CarIPI's Activity 3 of its third Annual Work Plan on Case studies and promotion of opportunities for research cooperation, to keep raising awareness on IP tools in the Caribbean.

To read more, please refer to CarIPI's website.

To access the case studies, hereby the corresponding links to each one of them: "the IP system in the Dominican Republic", "Case Study: Dominican Cocoa (DCGI)", "Case Study: Plant Variety Solanum", "Case Study: Planat Variety Oriza".


Publication date
7 November 2022