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Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission


The State Government of Gujarat, in its resolve and continued endeavors for socio-economic up-liftment of society, has identified Biotechnology as most potential tool for development. The State intends to promote biotechnology sector by building appropriate image, encouraging entrepreneurship, strengthening organizational colorations and forecasting business partnerships. For facilitating the development of biotechnology in the State, Government of Gujarat has constituted Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission, under the aegis of Department of Science and Technology...

GSBTM will promote, support and facilitate the development of biotechnology in the state by promoting research and development in the field of biotechnology, by generating the quality human resource in the field of biotechnology and by supporting the development of biotechnology industries by taking effective measures and policy and planning levels.

Geographical areas of activities & services
  • India
Organisation type
  • Governmental organisations & agencies
  • Business support


Gujarat State Bio Technology Mission

Gujarat State Bio Technology Mission
info-btmatgujarat [dot] gov [dot] in
Postal address
