Could you briefly describe your core expertise and field of activity within the Enterprise Europe Network? What are key services you offer to your clients?
I currently work at Hauts de France Innovation Development as Innovation Engineer. IP is a common issue in all stages of innovative projects and my main responsibility is to provide intellectual property (IP) support to the companies, especially to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in their research and innovation projects. Since 2003, I have gained valuable experience in EU-Funded projects as well as transnational technology transfer.
What does it mean to you to be a European IP Helpdesk Ambassador? And what do you like most about it?
I have joined the European IP Helpdesk Ambassador team in 2013 to be able to provide support to my clients and it has quickly become a big part of my daily work. It's a great way to personally get to know the knowledgeable experts and to exchange with other people who are facing the same challenges in other countries.
How would you describe the internal interaction and cooperation with your Enterprise Europe Network colleagues?
The ambassador title makes us more visible to other EEN colleagues and serving as kind of a spokesperson for IP, we have a particular role to play in providing expertise in our client's individual journey. As an IP ambassador, I have good collaboration with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and with the patent attorneys due to our complementary business activities. Additionally, I believe that it would be great to increase the number of French IP ambassadors in the team as there are currently only two of us.
In your opinion, what are current “hot” topics and questions related to Intellectual Property (IP) in your region/country?
Most of the SMEs are not aware of the importance of IP and the benefits of having a relevant IP strategy. IP is a valuable asset for SMEs and start-ups, especially the ones that need access to finance and want to scale up. Some SMEs however do have the understanding of the benefits of IP, but most of the time they do not know how to use and manage their IP properly.
Moreover, open innovation brings companies and research together, but the concept of the consortium agreement is still a complicated issue for most of the beneficiaries although the European IP Helpdesk provides a great support with a broad range of informative material, a Helpline service as well as on-site and online trainings.
What are major challenges SMEs face with regard to IP? And what kind of support is needed, you think?
Access to the right information at the right time is crucial for the competitiveness of an SME. European IP Helpdesk, provides relevant information to protect the innovation before the commercial launch. At the later stage of the project, accompany the company on the valuation of its IP assets during international partnerships.
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