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IP for Innovation - Industrial Property Protection As A Driver of Innovation

Opening of the celebrations for the 550th anniversary of the first European industrial property law.

The first European law on industrial property, the so-called 'Patent Statute', was approved in Venice in 1474 and will celebrate its 550 years on 19 March 2024. The Venetian Patent Statute established the first statutory patent system in Europe, and may be deemed to be the earliest codified patent system in the world. It gave inventors the right to exclusively make and use their inventions for a period of ten years. This was the first known patent law and included procedures for securing and enforcing the right to exclude others from using the invention.

  • intellectual property | innovation
  • Wednesday 13 March 2024, 15:30 - 17:30 (CET)
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Wednesday 13 March 2024, 15:30 - 17:30 (CET)
Aula Baratto, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
English, Italian
