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Doing business in Construction Sector and Intellectual Property Protection in India

The event on ''Doing business in Construction Sector and Intellectual Property Protection in India'' is organised by ICBuild in collaboration with EUROCHAMBRES, EBTC and the India IP SME Helpdesk.


The "Doing business in Construction Sector and Intellectual Property Protection in India" is an event organised by ICBuild in collaboration with India IP SME Helpdesk.

The ICBUILD Consortium supports the internationalization of complex circular solutions integrated in construction value chains and identified five third countries beyond Europe to be target in the next three years by the project activities: Canada, India, Mexico, United Arab Emirates and Brazil. The clusters of the consortium and the target SMEs are active in the following sectors: construction, building system and utilities, ICT, Bio sector, Eco-innovation, Sustainable building.

The main objective of the session is to raise awareness about the market opportunities India offers to European enterprises in construction industry.

The session will focus on market and business opportunities in India and strategies to take intellectual property laws in India and how to best prepare a market entry strategy by exploiting intellectual property assets.

The session will also uprise SMEs on the steps to take before internationalizing to India and provide them with a brief overview of the IP- Legal landscape and enforcement measures available to protect intellectual assets.

Session Plan:

9:00 -9:10 – Introduction by ICBUILD

Speaker - Mr Vladimir Gumilar, SGG

9:10 -9:30 – Market Opportunities and Doing Business in India.

Speaker – Ms. Ankita Tyagi.

9:30 -9:55 – Protecting Intellectual Property Assets in India.

Speaker – Mr. Girish Somawarpet Nagaraj.

9:55 - 10:00 – Q&A

Registration is free of charge and the event will be held online.


Should you have any question, please email us. You will receive a reply from one of the Helpdesk experts within three working days.

  • intellectual property
  • Tuesday 10 October 2023, 09:00 - 10:00 (CEST)
  • Online only

Practical information

Tuesday 10 October 2023, 09:00 - 10:00 (CEST)
Online only
